Buy Jelly Roll: Spot the Highest Quality

Buy Jelly Roll: Spot the Highest Quality

If you want your handmade quilt to last longer, use the highest-quality jelly roll. But, the problem is how to spot it because there are several options available in the market. The worst part is there are fake jelly rolls that look real. Even the touch of the fabric feels the same. But, if you use them, the reality is revealed. 
To buy a jelly roll, consider the following factors. These factors play an important role in assessing fabric quality and making sewing easier. 

Factors to spot high-quality jelly rolls 

Check the material of the fabric 

Whether you are shopping online or at stores, check the fabric material of jelly rolls. It’s good if the fabric is made of 100% cotton because it is soft, durable, and easy to sew.  You should avoid blended fabric materials, such as synthetic.  It holds up with time and gets harder to work on it. 

Assess the weight of the fabric 

The weight of jelly rolls varies for different reasons. You should avoid investing in heavy-weight fabric as it is very challenging to work with.  If you are looking for jelly roll quilt fabric, it should be medium-weight cotton.  Don’t forget to feel the fabric; if the fabric is of high quality, the feel will be smooth and substantial. It will never be flimsy or rough. 

Check the edges 

The edges of jelly rolls define their quality.  You can determine if the roll is perfect for quilting with the help of its edges. Make sure the edges of the strips are clean and precise and without fraying. Also, their widths should be uniform. The standard width of the edges is 2.5 inches. 

Examine the print quality 

The print quality defines the quality of the jelly rolls. High-quality jelly rolls come with sharp patterns without blurring. Also, the alignments of prints are straight and not distorted. Other than this, you should look for fabrics that are fade-resistant. It means fabrics should be with colorfast dyes as they don’t fade after washing. 

Perform a durability test 

A fabric is of high quality only if it’s durable. So, you should test for durability using two common methods- tug test and wrinkle test. For the tug test, you have to simply pull on a strip.  The high-quality fabric will be resistant to tearing or excessive stretching. 

For the wrinkle test, simply squeeze the fabric. If the material quality is good and durable, it will bounce back without excessive wrinkling. 

Read reviews and recommendations

Even though everything seems good, read reviews and recommendations shared by past users.  You should check reviews from fellow quilters on different platforms. If there are quilting groups, know their responses as well. You should buy a jelly roll in a small quantity for testing in case of any doubt. 

Closing lines 

Jelly rolls are perfect for making quilts, but only if they are of high quality. So, consider the factors discussed in this post and visit Platinum So n Sews to enjoy the benefits of available jelly roll fabric for sale


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